Green Gerry - "Mean Miracle"

Today it's our pleasure to release Green Gerry's "Mean Miracle," the latest psychotic track from L.A.'s favorite new freak pop mastermind.

The track comes in advance of the Mean Miracle/Raindrops single, out Friday, June 17. SPIN premiered the track with this to say:

Built on groovy bass lines and a piercing drum, 'Mean Miracle' is the most locomotive an anti-summer gripe has ever sounded. Gerry’s voice is the perfect compromise of distorted and piercing, and glides in smoothly between complementary elements of funk and garage rock [...] As colorful as it is biting, 'Mean Miracle' is not to be missed.

Green Gerry will be playing our Something Good party at the Hi-Hat in Highland Park on June 25 — be there.